History and Profile
A. Schools Division Profile
The Schools Division of Lucena City was established in 1971, with its separation from the mother Division of Quezon. The Division is composed of four school districts – East, North, South and West.
In the current School Year (SY) 2022-2023, the Schools Division comprises forty-three (43) public elementary schools, one integrated school, fourteen (14) public junior high schools (JHS), and six (6) public senior high schools (SHS). It also supervises 44 private elementary schools, 24 private JHS and 26 private SHS.
Public elementary schools are in 30 of the 33 barangays of Lucena City. There are public secondary schools in 10 barangays, six of which also have SHS. With the approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Lucena City in 2016, development expansions are expected to follow. Current public work constructions, such as new roads and highways, provide more access to different parts of the city, including the periphery. This development presents good opportunities for the Schools Division to expand the reach of the basic education system up to the marginal localities through the establishment of schools in those areas.
In 2022, the Schools Division has a total of 1,786 teaching workforce distributed as follows: 1,255 elementary school teachers, 441 JH S teachers, and 90 SHS teachers. Of the total 58 public school heads, 47 got principal/head teacher item positions and the remaining 11 of the schools are still managed by teachers-in-charge.
For school year (SY) 2022-2023, public elementary schools are using 971 classrooms, public secondary schools have 192 classrooms, while public senior high schools have 37 classrooms. Its current total enrolment entails additional 458 classrooms in total for all the levels in the public schools.
There are six public secondary schools offering the SHS program. These are Lucena City National High School (LCNHS), Lucena Dalahican National High School, Gulang-gulang National High School (GGNHS), Cotta National High School, GGNHS – Ibabang Talim Extension, and Mayao Parada Agricultural Integrated School. Initial SHS program offerings in these schools include Academic Track – General Academic Strand; Academic Track – Accountancy, Business and Management Strand; Academic Track – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand; and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track.
As of 2022, there are 52 community learning centers delivering the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program in the Schools Division. A total of 29 ALS implementers, broken down as 10 regular ALS Learning Facilitators, six (6) Division ALS facilitators, four (4) Division ALS Coordinators, and nine (9) mobile teachers, serve the ALS program in Lucena City. The rest of the facilitators are regular teachers from formal school who hold ALS classes during Saturdays or after their regular classes in the formal school.